BE A volunteer


we provide meaningful opportunities for international volunteers to make a lasting impact on the lives of adults with autism. As a volunteer, you will play a crucial role in supporting and empowering these individuals, fostering their independence, and promoting their inclusion in the community.

Your journey as an ALUT volunteer will involve accompanying and guiding adults with autism through their daily activities and routines. You will have the privilege of witnessing their growth, celebrating their achievements, and being a part of their journey towards greater self-sufficiency.

Throughout your time with us, you will have the opportunity to:

  1. Provide compassionate companionship: Engage with adults with autism, building trust and understanding, and offering a supportive presence during their daily activities.
  2. Promote independence: Encourage and assist individuals in developing essential life skills, such as personal care, household tasks, and community engagement.
  3. Foster social connections: Facilitate socialization opportunities and help adults with autism build meaningful relationships within their communities.
  4. Celebrate their unique abilities: Recognize and nurture the talents and strengths of each individual, creating an environment where they can thrive and reach their full potential.


Being an ALUT volunteer is a profoundly rewarding experience. You will not only make a tangible difference in the lives of adults with autism but also gain invaluable personal growth, cultural exchange, and a deeper appreciation for diversity and inclusion.

To ensure your comfort and support during your volunteering journey, ALUT provides the following:

  • A monthly stipend of 1500 NIS to cover basic living expenses.
  • A SIM card for your mobile phone, ensuring seamless communication.
  • A public transportation pass (Rav-Kav) for convenient travel within the city.
  • Twice-weekly Hebrew lessons via Zoom to enhance your language skills and cultural immersion.
  • A pre-loaded debit card for easy access to your monthly stipend.

Join us at ALUT and be part of a transformative journey that empowers adults with autism and enriches your own life’s experiences. Together, we can create a more inclusive and compassionate world, one step at a time.

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